
Piano, Theory, Aural Training lessons/Instrumental accompaniment offered by a lady tutor with FRSM, LRSM, ACABRSM diplomas in Piano performance & LMusTCL, AMusTCL diplomas in Music Theory (55005891)
音樂 / 教學進修(大坑/銅鑼灣/天后區)全職持FRSM鋼琴兼LMusTCL樂理女師

💁🏻‍♀️專業美甲🙋🏻‍♀️本人已有多年經驗👍🏻,絕不是新手/學徒, 歡迎各美女詢問,可sd圖片去Whatsapp👍🏻超多gel甲顏色, 超過200隻色選擇。
K美容 / 美甲Kathy Nail

Soak off gel | hard gel | 樹脂甲 | 水晶甲 | 法式修甲 由經驗美甲師主理
美容 / 美甲Nail jelly

Hello, I am an average built Eurasian in HK. I have done modeling for clothing, products, life-body-art modeling for art / photograph. Contact me if anyone needs a male model for these work or others.

I am a British Chinese tutor currently studying Medicine at HKU and am hoping to teach in Hong Kong; I can also coach your interview skills should you wish to apply for medicine at HKU.
A教學進修 / 補習Alexander Ng

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Due to the effect of school closures during the pandemic, student's academics are falling behind. Now is a good time to pick up the pace and catch up. 由於疫情期間學校運作大受影響,學生的學業直接受牽連。現在是加快步伐並迎頭趕上的好時機。

JS Design Workshop Graphic Design I Illustrator At JS Design Workshop, We offer a fully personalized, professional design and maintenance services. We provide a comprehensive range of branding and mar
設計 / 平面設計JS Design Workshop

生產各款男、女裝及童裝之針織、梳織時裝,承接小單,數量不拘,樣辦製作等。We are the production of knitted & woven fashion for Ladies’ 、Men’s & kids. Our service is including production of small order(any Qty), making proto and sales samples.

Can I learn how to set up my own VPN in China? Of course you can, if you have the patience for it. First you ll have to get a server. You can rent a decent dedicated server in one of the data centers.

DNB has access to Hoover's database, which can help you with refined marketing solutions for your business.
j商業 / 顧問jansj2315

盾臂陸龜 (女) 底甲29CM 左右, 健康大食, 食龜糧, 大部份蔬菜都食, 有意可以直接聯絡 Tel : 63581148.
S寵物 / 寵物轉讓Silversnicky

ROLAND 電子鼓代用配件(100%匹配),韓國 Zdrum OEM 品牌 S@L,採用韓國技術及進口材料製造,絕非一般國產可比。

Gel甲包拆甲 修手 延長 💜店內幾百隻色選擇 ,大量閃粉,日本材料,日本貼紙,韓國印花,星空紙,魔鏡粉。
M美容 / 美甲MT Nail

天然水晶 珠寶飾品 流行飾品 天然礦石 耳環 銀鍊 鋼鍊 銅鍊 S999銀飾 S990銀飾 S925銀飾 禮品 贈品

香港浸會大學碩士畢業,英國倫敦聖三一音樂學院文憑ATCL( Distinction)十多年教學、指揮、演出及伴奏經驗(包括中小學管弦樂團指揮/木笛隊指揮/手鐘或手鈴隊指揮/合唱團指揮/樂理班/全港大型音樂比賽的指定伴奏/私人鋼琴教授)
M音樂 / 教學進修Miss Yip

美甲多年前偶然看到日本雜誌,Gel nail,指上有一朵小花閃石,這是我首次接觸美甲,平凡十指上只要動動腦筋和創意更可帶來驚喜。我開始報讀各種美甲課程,學習美甲技巧考取多個國際應可資格。 荃灣gel甲 荃灣美甲 荃灣 gel NAIL 青衣gel nail 深井gel甲 深井gel nail 葵涌gel甲 葵涌gel nail荃灣gel甲 荃灣美甲 荃灣 gel nai荃灣gel甲 荃灣美甲 荃灣

本人大學畢業於英國時裝設計學院, 操流利中英文, 可雙語教學。I studied Bachelor of Art (Honours) Fashion Design in United Kingdom. I speak fluent English, Mandarin Chinese and Cantonese Chinese, I can lecture bilingual.
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